Join us on International Women’s Day for a community conversation, Shujaat: Celebrating Afghan Women’s Resilience. This is a free event for anyone in the community to attend and is on Wednesday, March 8 at 5:00 pm at the Seattle Opera Center. Come and learn more about the vital work being done in our community to support local Afghan women refugees as well as women still living in Afghanistan.
Then, stay for a complimentary reception sponsored by the Center for Women and Democracy, also at the Opera Center.
Finally, all are invited to a world premiere performance of the opera A Thousand Splendid Suns directed by Afghan Roya Sadat, with costume and cultural consultation by Afghan Rika Sadat and music by Sheila Silver, at the adjacent McCaw Hall.
Where: Seattle Center
- Seattle Opera Center for the panel and reception
- McCaw Hall for the opera performance
- Wednesday, March 8th
- 5:00 pm: Community Conversation at Opera Center
- 6:15 pm: Reception at Opera Center
- 7:30 pm: A Thousand Splendid Suns Opera at McCaw Hall
- Panel and reception free, registration is required.
- Opera performance of A Thousand Splendid Suns $50 with discount code MARIAM50.
- Buy tickets online or by calling Audience Services at 206-389-7676.
- Complementary access to the performance will be arranged by participating organizations for panelists, their clients and their staff.
Our moderator & panelists
Use discount code MARIAM50 for $50 tickets.